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Margaret Howell Runway Fall 2011

I just have some problems. Yeah, with some senior in my college. Fucking senior, I mean. Not all, but some senior was do a useless deed.

I just don't know why they always do something bad with us. We never do something bad with them, but they're always subjected us like a student, like a kid. They are always have something bad to make us looks like a fool, stupid, useless, moron, anything!
May I said to you? You just like a-horde-of-people-who-have-nothing-to-do. Screw you!
You are so pathetic, I just understand why all of you always make some a fucking shit problem and screaming like a dumb if we walk in front of you?
I think, if you are in college, you will have something which people call it "freedom".
But here, I love my subject but I don't really like some senior in my college.
Like what I said before, they're like a dumb. Always make a fucking useless problem and subjected us like a kid, like a student.
I think, if they want some honor from their junior just do what they wanna get. Just honor us, don't make some shit like this.
I'm so revolted with them. Bloody revolted.

P.S : Sorry if you all my reader feel inconvenience with all my words. But, I'm so angry.


  1. sabar ya kaka *garuk2 punggung pake high heels*


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